Digital Head Works — Interview Experience (Front end)
Introduction and directly jump on the technical
- Coding Round
Asked me basic and medium leetcode questions
one easy and one medium leetcode question.
2. HTML and CSS
Asked me to code — Machine coding poblem Dialog modal or popup kind of thing then click on the button it should show.
Optimizing the Frontend Project
I already explained this in previous post, check it out.
Block level elements example and inline-block example — asked me to write a code snippet for this
<div id=”myId”>
<span class=”one”>1</span>
<span class=”two”>2</span>
<span class=”three”>3</span>
given above snippet and asked me to add square with 20px height and width inside the div without using javascript and html.
Css positions
Asked me to code HTML Form and make it responsive to the desktops, mobiles and tablets.
How do you remove unused CSS in complex project, without using any libraries?
3. Javascript Round
Hoisting with examples
Closure — asked me to write the closure snippet and explain
Event Loop
I asked about promises and async-await and their advantages.
some Output based questions.
console.log([2,4] == [2,"4"]) =>
console.log([2,4] === [2,4]) =>
console.log([2,4] == [2,4]) =>
console.log('Script Start');
setTimeout(() => console.log('Timer 1'), 0);
setTimeout(() => console.log('Timer 2'), 0);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
console.log('Promise 1');
setTimeout(() => console.log('Timer 3'), 0);
Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log('Promise 2'));
console.log('Script End');
Explain generators and ask me to write the code.
let a = 10;
function test() {
let b = 20;
write the output for snippet and explain the hoisting.
asked about some API related questions.
4. React Questions
virtual DOM vs Real DOM
React Life cycle methods and equivalent methods in functional component.
class vs functional-based components.
Functional Hooks
- useState
- useEffect
- useCallback
- useRef
- useMemo vs React.memo
context API
Redux -questions
Performance and accessibility
asked about webpack.