CAP Theorem(System Design)

CAP theorem(consistency,availability,performance)
A distributed system cannot simultaneously be consistent, available, and partition tolerant. You need to choose between Consistency and Availability
You can achieve only two out of three things
The traditional databases choose consistency over availability.
NoSQL databases prefer availability over consistency.
Consistency means that all clients see the same data at the same time, no matter which node they connect to. For this to happen, whenever data is written to one node, it must be instantly forwarded or replicated to all the other nodes in the system before the write is deemed ‘successful.’
Availability means that that any client making a request for data gets a response, even if one or more nodes are down. Another way to state this — all working nodes in the distributed system return a valid response for any request, without exception.
Partition tolerance
A partition is a communications break within a distributed system — a lost or temporarily delayed connection between two nodes. Partition tolerance means that the cluster must continue to work despite any number of communication breakdowns between nodes in the system. Partition tolerance the system continues to operate despite network failures (ie; dropped partitions, slow network connections, or unavailable network connections between nodes.)
- High consistency comes at the cost of lower availability.
- High availability comes at the cost of lower consistency.
Consistency in CAP is different than that of ACID. Consistency in CAP means having the most up-to-date information. (ACID refers to a different database event. In ACID, consistency means any new transaction to the database won’t corrupt the database.)
Consistency in databases
Consistent databases should be used when the value of the information returned needs to be accurate.
Financial data is a good example. When a user logs in to their banking institution, they do not want to see an error that no data is returned, or that the value is higher or lower than it actually is. Banking apps should return the exact value of a user’s account information. In this case, banks would rely on consistent databases.
Examples of a consistent database include:
- Bank account balances
- Text messages
Database options for consistency:
- MongoDB
- Redis
- HBase
Availability in databases
Availability databases should be used when the service is more important than the information.
An example of having a highly available database can be seen in e-commerce businesses. Online stores want to make their store and the functions of the shopping cart available 24/7 so shoppers can make purchases exactly when they need.
Database options for availability:
- Cassandra
- DynamoDB
- Cosmos DB
CAP theorem NoSQL database types
NoSQL (non-relational) databases are ideal for distributed network applications. Unlike their vertically scalable SQL (relational) counterparts, NoSQL databases are horizontally scalable and distributed by design — they can rapidly scale across a growing network consisting of multiple interconnected nodes.
Today, NoSQL databases are classified based on the two CAP characteristics they support:
CP database
A CP database delivers consistency and partition tolerance at the expense of availability. When a partition occurs between any two nodes, the system has to shut down the non-consistent node (i.e., make it unavailable) until the partition is resolved.
AP database
An AP database delivers availability and partition tolerance at the expense of consistency. When a partition occurs, all nodes remain available but those at the wrong end of a partition might return an older version of data than others. (When the partition is resolved, the AP databases typically resync the nodes to repair all inconsistencies in the system.)
CA database
A CA database delivers consistency and availability across all nodes. It can’t do this if there is a partition between any two nodes in the system, however, and therefore can’t deliver fault tolerance.
We listed this type last for a reason — in a distributed system, partitions can’t be avoided. So, while we can discuss a CA distributed database in theory, for all practical purposes, a CA distributed database can’t exist. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t have a CA database for your distributed application if you need one. Many relational databases, such as PostgreSQL, deliver consistency and availability and can be deployed to multiple nodes using replication.
MongoDB and the CAP theorem (CP)
MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database management system that stores data as BSON (binary JSON) documents. It’s frequently used for big data and real-time applications running at multiple different locations. Relative to the CAP theorem, MongoDB is a CP data store — it resolves network partitions by maintaining consistency, while compromising on availability.
MongoDB is a single-master system — each replica set can have only one primary node that receives all the write operations. All other nodes in the same replica set are secondary nodes that replicate the primary node’s operation log and apply it to their own data set. By default, clients also read from the primary node, but they can also specify a read preference that allows them to read from secondary nodes.
Cassandra and the CAP theorem (AP)
Apache Cassandra is an open source NoSQL database maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. It’s a wide-column database that lets you store data on a distributed network. However, unlike MongoDB, Cassandra has a masterless architecture, and as a result, it has multiple points of failure, rather than a single one.
Relative to the CAP theorem, Cassandra is an AP database — it delivers availability and partition tolerance but can’t deliver consistency all the time. Because Cassandra doesn’t have a master node, all the nodes must be available continuously. However, Cassandra provides eventual consistency by allowing clients to write to any nodes at any time and reconciling inconsistencies as quickly as possible.
As data only becomes inconsistent in the case of a network partition and inconsistencies are quickly resolved, Cassandra offers “repair” functionality to help nodes catch up with their peers. However, constant availability results in a highly performant system that might be worth the trade-off in many cases.
Happy Learning!!!!!!!!!